Large brawl in Alabama as people defend Black riverboat worker against white assailants Alabama

And those perceptions of the economy are much worse than they were in the summer of 2020 at the depths of the COVID recession, when businesses were closed and people were staying at home. Certainly, the legal allegations are a very unusual twist that we haven’t seen before, but no candidate with this kind of a lead has gone on to lose a presidential primary with this kind of advantage at this point of the primary season. And in fact, Donald Trump’s lead is basically twice as large as anyone who’s ever gone on to lose at this point in a primary.

I mean, ordinarily, talking about the general election 15 months out might be a little ridiculous, but we’ve had this election before. So Nate, “The Times” did a second poll. We just talked about the poll of Republican primary voters. You all simultaneously did a poll of a potential general election in which Trump faces Joe Biden. They think Trump is likelier to get things done than Ron DeSantis, even though Ron DeSantis would seem to have a very impressive set of conservative policy accomplishments.


NBC station WSFA of Montgomery reported that four arrest warrants have been issued in connection with the altercation and “there’s a possibility more will follow after the review of additional video”. After the arrival of police officers, the brawl subsided – and then briefly reignited before police began cuffing the participants, Black and white. Walters, who has denied wrongdoing in the case, was granted clemency by President Trump on his final day in office in 2021. “Based on our relationship and what I’ve since learned from others, Phil’s gambling losses [between 2010 and 2014] approached not $40 million as has been previously reported, but much closer to $100 million,” Walters writes. “My reason for partnering with him was simple. Given my reputation in the gambling world, my limits with Phil’s two bookmakers were roughly $20,000 a game on college and $50,000 on the pros,” Walters wrote.

Today’s episode was produced by Rikki Novetsky, Stella Tan, Clare Toeniskoetter, and Mary Wilson. It was edited by Liz O. Baylen and Paige Cowett, contains original music by Marion Lozano and Elisheba Ittoop, and was engineered by Chris Wood. Here’s what else you need to know today. On Wednesday, jurors imposed a sentence of death on the gunman who killed 11 people at a Pittsburgh synagogue in 2018 — a massacre that is considered the deadliest anti-Semitic attack in US history.

The poll finds that the base of MAGA voters is about 37 percent of all Republicans. And these are people who said that they had a very favorable view of Donald Trump and said they strongly supported him in the Republican primary. My colleague, Nate Cohn, analyzes a new set of “Times” polls that answer those questions.

And look, that’s a big group of Republicans. We talk about it a lot, but it’s an enormous achievement for Trump. And in our poll, none — that is, zero of the respondents — in this MAGA category said that Donald Trump has committed serious federal crimes. Well, it accounts for it in one of the most straightforward and direct ways that a poll can account for it. According to our poll, Republicans overwhelmingly reject the notion that Donald Trump committed serious federal crimes. And they also believe that Donald Trump is likelier to beat Joe Biden than his rival, Ron DeSantis, even though, as you just mentioned, in the last election, Donald Trump’s candidate seemed to fare quite poorly while Ron DeSantis did well.

One is something that could be a problem for any president running for re-election, which is that voters don’t like the state of the economy, and they don’t think the country is heading in the right direction. An overwhelming majority of voters still think America is heading off on the wrong track, and voters don’t have a good impression of the economy either. Well, the MAGA base doesn’t account for all of Trump’s support, but it is a lot of it.

  • According to Walters, the request came several years into a partnership, in which Walters would supply Mickelson with sports betting plays, and Mickelson would place the bets.
  • While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors.
  • Certainly, DeSantis’s weapons aren’t strong enough to bring down the castle, but it’s not obvious to me that the problem is the weapons as much as the fortress.

So even among this group of voters, who — again, they’re willing to say that DeSantis may be more moral than Trump. But they also reject the idea that Trump has committed serious federal crimes. And they also believe that Republicans ought to stand behind Trump in the face of these allegations.

So there are cracks there that, hypothetically, could lead them to support someone else if the circumstances permitted it. It’s much larger than the lead that Donald Trump ever had in the last Republican primary. It’s bigger than any of the leads that Hillary Clinton had in 2016 or 2008.

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